Cartridge question

Has anyone tried the new MOFI cartridge's yet and if so what is your opinion of them.
They run from $199.00 for the cheap one to $499.00 for the medium priced one and there top of the line is $699.00.
I was interested in what kind of sound they put out as I really can't afford what I would want to buy.
I am running a Clearaudio concept V2 now and was looking to improve my sound a little.
 I was not aware of this product so I looked it up and read up on it. Sounds a lot like an older audio technica moving magnet and it looks a bit like one too by the shape.  I wonder if they make it for mofi. There really is nothing new under the sun in cartridge land. I wonder what the prices for this? I just watch these moving coil's getting priced higher and higher and shake my head