Cartridge protractor- the best?

Hello. Would like some feedback on the best cartridge protractor for Rega P9 with RB1000 arm. Why do you recommend your choice? Thanks in advance!

Showing 1 response by markd51

I think all would concur, that an Arc Style Protractor will be superior to any Sight Line Protractor, such as the Geodisc, the Turntable Basics, or others.

I haven't used the Hoffman, but if it is an Arc Type, which I assume it is, it should be superior to the ones I mention above. Problem might be, is how fine is the Arc Line, the Null Grids, and the ability to precisely align the Zenith Angle of the Cantilever?

I'll suggest the MintLP Protractor as being about the best band for the dollar, not cheap, but I see nothing within this price range that will be as good-precise.

What you'll need to know beforehand, is what will be the optimum null points for this Arm, to insure that the arm you have is indeed mounted to its manufacturer recommended specs.

If Yip concurs with your findings, and what you want, then you will be all set. Although he's in Hong Kong, he is very reliable, ships quickly, and you get what you paid for.

Many here swear by this protractor, and virtually all have noted good sonic improvements with the use of this particular tool. I have it, and feel it was a wise purchase. When you're done with the alignment with this tool, you'll be assured of knowing, and hearing it is right. Mark