cartridge pin identification

Anewbie question: L channel R channel connections on the back of the cartridge doesn't appear to be marked. Is the L channel on the R side of the rear of the cartridge ( the righthand two pins). The reason I ask is that after playing the HiFi test lp I found that my channels are switched. All other connections are correct. My cartridge was already mounted on the arm when I purchased the table and arm. It came with the white and blue leads on the L hand two pins when looking at the back of the cartridge. Is there an industry standard that I should be aware of? Is there any reason that just switching phono cable leads would not be acceptable?
My apologies for what is likely thought to be a silly question; however, I'm wanting to not make any rookie mistakes especially this early in my analogue career.
Normally you would be correct. Looking from the back of the cartridge, left is on the left, right is on the right. Some cartridge manufacterers don't do this.

What brand and model of cart do you have?
Dear Joe: white is L+ and red is R+ ; blue is L - and green is R -.

Regards and enjoy the music.
My cartridge is a Koetsu Burma Jade. The white and blue are on the two L side pins when viewing from the back. I couldn't find any info re: this cartridge pin identification. I thought possibly the Koetsu had a reverse pin assignment. Thanks for all your input.
Dear Joe: You always can ask here:

Regards and enjoy the music.
Thanks for the link. My cartridge was in fact wired incorrectly. Koetsu responded to my inquiry with the correct config. Looking at the pin side of the cartridge, the right ch pins are on the left R+ and Gr- (these were reversed as well as being on wrong side).
Thanks to everyone. Another lesson learned.