
Responses from jgdalton

Rives Audio No More
Hedback Design gets my recommendation as well. A few years ago I happened to be talking to Art Smuck about an VAC amp and I mentioned needing the services of an audio designer. He gave me Jeff's name . It just so happened to be very close to my lo... 
Replacing Wilson WattPuppy 5's
I have Sasha's for 10 months. Using Ren Signiture VAC pre and Phi 110/110 tube amps to drive . Vinyl junkie. Soundstage is unbelievable. Depth and detail are the best I've ever experienced in my limited time in this pursuit. My room is roughly 20 ... 
cartridge pin identification
Raul,Thanks for the link. My cartridge was in fact wired incorrectly. Koetsu responded to my inquiry with the correct config. Looking at the pin side of the cartridge, the right ch pins are on the left R+ and Gr- (these were reversed as well as be... 
cartridge pin identification
My cartridge is a Koetsu Burma Jade. The white and blue are on the two L side pins when viewing from the back. I couldn't find any info re: this cartridge pin identification. I thought possibly the Koetsu had a reverse pin assignment. Thanks for a...