Cartridge Man Isolator with Graham mounting Jig?

I am toying with trying the Isolaor with my Graham 2. Has anyone tried placing it on the Graham 2 using the cart. allignment jig? Does it work or does the added height cause problems lining up the cantilever?

"Depending how thick the Isolator is, the flip-over glass guide may not sit flat, you may have to guess a bit on how far the stylus projects. I had no problem with the required extra plate." That is exactly what I am worried about. I am told I'd need to raise the arm 5mm to compensate. I guess it's 5mm thick, and I am not sure the gauge's glass will lie flat enough.
also, you should not have any problem getting the cantelever perfectly centered and parallel to the 2 lines on the glass guide.
I also use the Cartridge allignment jig with my 2.2.

It seems to me that you would have to use longer mounting screws. I am breaking in a Clearaudio Stradivari right now, it comes with a steel plate to be placed between the bottom of the wand head and top of the cartridge, hence the longer screws. Before I lighned up the cartridge, I started the screws, added the plate and then cartridge tightened lightly, fliped the wand over and onto the "guide pins" for final adgustment.
Depending how thick the Isolator is, the flip-over glass guide may not sit flat, you may have to guess a bit on how far the stylus projects. I had no problem with the required extra plate.