Cartridge issues need suggestions

I am having issues with my Transfiguration Proteus - the left channel is cutting out.  It starts with a strong center  image then in a few seconds it drifts to the right intermittently, almost like someone is turning the balance control very fast.  Then it stays far right but I still have faint output in the left channel and sometimes some feedback like the stylus is out of line. 

It is not my tubes in the phono section because I checked that with my backup and it does the same thing.  I have rechecked overhang, cantilever alignment with my protractor, VTF - nothing has changed.  The only thing I haven’t adjusted is anti-skate and haven’t since initial setup.  Azimuth is set on a Basis Vector 4.  I took it off and upon visual inspection the it looks ok - the cantilever is straight but it might have shifted slightly to the left.  I can’t be sure.

Anyone had this issue - I never have...thanks for any feedback!

Showing 1 response by inna

Dispose of it as you see fit. And forget about it. Half life or not, the designer has just died and so has the cartridge. Put it to rest. Problem solved.