Cartridge help: Ortofon Cadenza vs. Soundsmith Paua

I recently ordered a VPI Avenger with a 12" 3d arm and need help choosing between the Ortofon Cadenza (bronze or black, though I'd lean toward the bronze because it is the warmer of the two) vs the Soundsmith Paua.  My preferences are for a sound that is not overly detailed, but smooth through entire range, warmer side of neutral, wonderful midrange, and not overly dynamic, lively, detailed where listening fatigue can set in.  

I've previously had a VPI Prime turntable and Ortofon Quintet Black.  It certainly wasn't bad but have been hearing wonderful things about Soundsmith.  My phono stage is the Zesto Andros 1.2, so loading and gain should not be an issue with either.  

Showing 2 responses by jmcgrogan2

My preferences are for a sound that is not overly detailed, but smooth through entire range, warmer side of neutral, wonderful midrange, and not overly dynamic, lively, detailed where listening fatigue can set in.

From your description, I think you would be quite happy with the Ortofon Cadenza Bronze. I have one on my VPI Prime, and it is real easy on the ears, good tracker too.
Thanks for the recommendation infection, but I owned a Lyra Helikon years ago. That was enough for me to know that the bright, edgy Lyra sound is not for me.
I know that many folks like the Lyra sound, so that’s why they make so many different flavors.

BTW, currently the Ortofon Cadenza Bronze is on the sidelines while I'm spinning a Transfiguration Phoenix S.