Cartridge fresh out of the box

If this question has been popped previously, my apologies!

Anyways, I just installed a N-I-B Benz Micro MC20E2H cartridge (replacing a vdH MM-1) and I noticed that the sound from one channel (right) is significantly softer than the other.

Could this be due to the cartridge which has (obviously) not being broken-in yet?

Also, when I play a mono LP and set my amp to mono, both channels produce the same level of sound.

Thanks for any feedback.

Perhaps one wrong setting may not be enough to produce such channel imbalance, but combine wrong azimuth, too much or too little anti-aliasing, mis-aligned cartridge, the turntable not leveled, too much or too little tracking force, etc., and it's possible that all this may cause one channel to sound louder than the other.

Also, this channel imbalance could easily be one of the cartridge leads not making enough contact because is either fractured or not seated well.

These wrong settings may cause a singer's voice to be positioned 2/3 to the right or left, instead of in the center of the soundstage.


Many thanks for the responses. Rather than waste mote time on a futile exercise, I got in touch with the distributor and he suspected a faulty cartridge. So a replacement is on the way.

Thanks again guys.
