Cartridge Force - Is a Little 'Over-Force' Okay?

With kids getting older and not as 'grabby', I decided to dust off the Pro-Ject 1.2, and throw on a new cartridge (Sumiko Olympia), replacing the 25-year-old Oyster. After dialing-in the cartridge to its recommended 2.0 grams, I noticed the tonearm counterweight keeps the lid/dust cover from closing. With kids around, I'd really prefer to keep a lid on it. If I move the counterweight to a position where it doesn't interfere with the cover, it weighs-in at 2.7 grams. 

My question is, does .7 grams, with this particular cartridge make a difference? Not just in sound quality (I couldn't hear the difference), but in the case of preserving the longevity of the vinyl. 

Or is there a compatible counterweight that would add a few more grams of force? I was trying to justify a whole new rig, but this little guy still (seemingly) works just fine.


Showing 1 response by lewm

I agree with Raul. 2.7 g is significantly more VTF than the stated upper limit of 2.2 g for your cartridge. That is not a trivial difference, and it will at least alter the relationship between the transducing elements of the cartridge and not for the better. At worst of course you will eventually damage your suspension.