Cartridge for Graham 1.5

Currently I use a Benz LO4 or Shelter 501 with the Graham on a Orbe TT. I would like to hear what others believe to be the best match for this arm at reasonalbe cost ie less than 2K.

The rest of the system is DIY fet-Loesch preamp with plenty of gain, Berning EA-230 and Quad original ESL's.

Showing 2 responses by njaferi

I would suggest the Lyra Helikon or if you can secure a used lyra cart that is not working, you can get the Skala for 2300 or so but that is with a cart in return.

You can probably ask your local lyra dealer to see if they have any old Lyra lying around that thay can trad in for you.

Skala is 3200 new but with trade in you will have it for 2300. If you want a new one you can get the Helikon for about 2000. But Skala is a step higher. I would say its 98% Lyra Titan quality. Again this is my openion, others may be different.
I dont know about the Graham 1.5 but I do have the graham Phantom, I used the Benz Micro Ruby 3 with it, but have switched to the Lyra Helikon mono and Lyra Skala Stereo.

I am impressed with the difference, I have had these carts for about 2 months now and am not planning to move to any other.

I have heard the Ortofon Kontrapunkt B but on the Rega. So I cannot comment on the differences with the Graham. I have moved form the SME V to the Graham Phantom, this move was primatily due to the MONO and STEREO carts that I use, after changing the carts have to do adjust the cart all the time no fun but with the Graham do it once and change the wands. Love that Feature and now my music is much better as well.