Cartridge for Acoustic Signature Turntable with TA-2000 arm

I really thought I was done with analog. But, I like the look of the Acoustic Signature Storm Turntable.
Dealer said I needed to do some research on cartridges.
To be honest, I have been out of the Vinyl game for decades and I am a bit lost on what has been going on.
I still own a Linn Axis with whatever cartridge and arm it came with-whatever it is is probably the lowest end of the line.

So, if I do make this move:
Is it one that makes sense?
Should I look at other tables?

I own Ayre MX-R's and Atma Sphere MA-1's. An 
MP-3 preamp as well as a KX-R. ( All the Ayre are non Twenty).

Vandy Treo's and Subs.
Any ideas on what a good cartridge would be for this combo?
Thanks Bob

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