Cartridge compliance vs tonearm effective mass

Hello, i have some difficulty grasping the relationship between those items. On the scale, what is considered "high" and "low" compliance. Typically, a low compliance cartridge need a heavy arm. Consequently, a high compliance cartridge need a lightweigh arm. I currently have a Benz Ruby 2H (compliance of 15) mounted on a SME V with an effective mass of 10/11gram. My question is: how do you properly match cartridge to arm using compliance and effective mass of tonearm. I am considering replacing my Benz Ruby 2H with a Benz LP or a Koetsu Jade/Onyx Platinum, or Lyra Titan or VDH Condor. Which would mate best with the V and which should i absolutely avoid. 70% of my listening is Jazz. HELP!!!
Effective mass is different than the actual "weight" of an arm. The following site will be a big help: ( It should answer most(if not all) of your questions.
Not an answer to your question, but a for what it is worth. After going through several well rated cartridges for an extended period of time, my two favorites were the two with a significant compliance mismatch on paper. Looking at your list above, I would guess that the 'voice' of the cartridge suiting your taste might be much more significant than the compliance consideration. As they say though, your mileage may vary.