I took a rebuilt Cart' to a friend, to use in their system and compare to their owned Cart'.
My friends Cart' was with a decent period of usage hours and was a model that was from the upper range of what the Brand offers.
My own Cart's was a lower down the range model but bespoke produced through a rebuild.
The interest was to see where these two Cart's were in comparison to each other.
I distinctly recollect the first visit with 20+ hours of usage on my owned model, the Bass was not quite gathered and not quite able to create a perception of believable envelope for notes from the lower frequencies.
At a visit with about 150ish hours of usage, my Cart' was to my assessment a much-improved performer in the Bass region and a very good comparison to the friends Cart'. I also distinctly recollect upper mid and top frequencies were projected further and detail retrieval from the Groove was more evident.
I was not wanting much more and was not pining for anything else that been heard during the demonstrations.
Improvement was expected to be discovered after a period of Break In, that was the general overview, and not too different from contributions from other posts within this thread.
Improvement was discovered to be occurring, but the unexpected was for it to become an improvement to the point it compared very favourably to another rated model, this was not anticipated to end up as such a close call.
To get to this point, it was only important to use the Cartridge in a very careful manner.