Cartridge attributes, recommendations w/Thorens?

I am getting a vinyl rig together and will be using a vintage Thorens table (160) and have gotten a Grado PH-1 phono pre, (which seems to claim it could work with many different carts).

My questions is, what cartridges will work well with the Thorens, or what carts to you recommend that have a quick, more neutral sound. I probably have to stay away from a low-output MC design at this point. I'd be willing to spend up to $200 (used or new), but am also looking for info regarding the general sound of different cartridge makes.

Thanks much.
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I second Loontoon. I owned a Thorens 126 and X5. Great bargain setup. You can't beat the Ortofon at a 125 bucks. Hell, I think I paid more for an X5 in 81-82.