Cartridge allignment Especially VTA

I found my plastic Denneses Soundtractor. The Arm Part is Fine, but the Spindle part with the allignment marks is pretty warped.
I tried to flatten it with a heat gun with some success and was going to try it today when I got home.
Then I remembered that the RB900 that I have has no clear pivot point on the top of it. I guess the soundtractor is useless.

I have a wolly tractor for that arm but I don't really trust it - it looks very Micky Mouse.

Worse than that - I've been playing with VTA Lately with disturbing results.
Where it ended up sounding the best just doesn't look right.
The back part of the arm is slightly lower than what would be parallel to the record. (Benz LO4 and Basis 1400)

Could there be a analytical way to do this?
I have some accurate electronic measuring equipment.
I also have a record with test tones.
If the VTA was perfect - I would think that would result in maximum amplitude. I'm not sure if there would be enough amplitude difference to notice if it was slightly off.

Also - just a note here.
Maybe VTA can be adjusted by tracking force.
My theory is that as long as you are tracking heavy enough to properly track the groove - any additional force would really just affect the VTA.
(assuming you always remain in the manufacturers tracking force recommendations)
But possibly tracking at a different force will put the cartridge works in a different spot - thus changing the sound in yet another way...

Any opinions or comments??
Should I just find something to smoke and just shut up??
The Wallytractor is about as far from a "Mickey Mouse" tool as you can get. Since it's made specifically for the effective length of your arm there's no guesswork involved as there would be with your beat up Dennesen. I've used every alignment tool made in the last quarter century I think and the Wallytractor is by far the fastest and easiest to use.

Many cartridges sound best with the back of the cartridge slightly lower than the front. To get that you have to lower the back of the arm below parallel. Set the arm where it sounds best on your favorite records and forget about it.
hello, I am also a bit of a novice but I can share some of my experience as I see no one else has responded? First of all some cartridges actually sound better and like having the arm a little below level for great VTA? The Wally trackor allthough Micky Mouse in appearance is as good as any other tool or protractor as long as you have the right one for your arm?I Don't believe you can get any VTA results with a tracking force adjustment? and if anything will do more harm then good as to light of any tracking force does more damage then to heavy to the grooves of your records.I also have an arm that doesnt have a clear pivot point to set the guage on but I eyeballed centre and stuch a piece of mack tac there to set up the Denneson on. I use test records to test the results as using them to set up may also do damage to your cartridge and your test record? This might not be any help to you but my confirm what you have allready discovered? Cheers Daren