cartridge alignment?

so i have everything i need finally to get my 1st system up and running, yet, i have nothing to align my cartridge with, and i have no idea what to get. when i talked to the guy at united home audio, he mentioned a wallytractor, or something to that effect, but said it was like 300 bucks, where i was looking to spend around 50. if anybody could make a suggestion in that price range it would be greatly appreciated
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well, its an old jvc a-l31, dont know the arm length. the vta isnt adjustable on my deck, so im not worried about that. its one of the thinner straight arms though. my cartridge is a audio technica of some sort. i know its probably not a great cart, but im just getting started here, so i went cheap. and i didnt want to spend more on a cart than i did on the deck itself (i paid 40 bucks for the deck, used in great condition, very clean)
Lots of info @ the following link (see the Cartridge and Turntable Setup section).

I also suggest starting with the free "Enjoy the Music" printout, basic hand tools (usually found around the home) and a VTF gauge.

If the cartridge is new VTA may require adjustment following 50-100 hours of playing time (for suspensions that sag a bit with intital use).