cartidge recommendations needed

Hi all, I am looking for a good match for a Clearaudio TQ-1 tonearm. I am currently set up for MM cartidges and would rather not change yet. Price range about a kilobuck. The turntable is my own design ; well, barrowed design from some of the best anyway. No springs but well dampend and built into a 1925 RCA Victrola cabinet. Anyone using a TQ-1 tonearm with a MM cartidge please respond with your advice and practical setup experience. I have also wondered if the Cardas cartidge may be an alternative. Thanks,Dredster
Clearaudio makes some excellent MM cartridges. I use the Aurum Beta S which lists for $450. I believe there is one MM cartridge above this for about $750. The Beta S is an excellent cartridge and may fit the bill and save you a few bucks. I was using a Grado Platinum, but the Beta S is a marked improvement.
Thank You all, The effective mass of the tonearm is 3 grams and I will stick to MM type cartridges for now. Any specific recomendations ? thanks,
or perhaps the Grado moving iron (variable reluctance) high output woodbody models?
TWL makes a good point about choosing a high compliance cartridge. Keep in mind that a high output MC will match your phono pre equally as well as a MM. Including MC's in your search might open up some additional options.

I don't know the effective mass of the TQ-1, but it is a very short arm, so it is probably quite low mass. The bearing system is somewhat slack for the linear tracking movement. I would recommend a high compliance type cartridge to mate with it. As far as the weight goes, you will have to get the effective mass figure to determine the resonance requirement.