IMHO, and I may be wrong, of course, but regular compliance computations do not apply to most parallel trackers. Side-to-side movement of MG-1 can be easily controlled by liquid damping, thus accomodating almost any cartridge. I have used many cartridges on my MG-1, and have had only great results (exception was Grado Sonata, which exibited the usual cibilance problem). My Madrigal Carnegie I sounds and tracks great in it, Sheletr 901 sings, the lowly Signet MR 5.0 is as great as it can be, and even my cherished Koetsu Onyx sounds fantastic, and tracks well, and that's without damping! I don't know how it happens, given that arm tube only weighs 28 grams (I believe), but this is from my experience. And bass that I'm getting is truly earth-shaking...
Cart recommendations for MG-1 tonearm
I'm considering buying an MG-1 tonearm and I'm interested in cartridge recommendations. I know that the Grado Reference Master is recommended, but for the money I'd rather get something like the Shelter 501. But, I'm concerned that the compliance on the Shelter is too low.
So, for those who have purchased this arm, I'd be really interested in what cartridge you've found that works well with it.
Perhaps more to the point, does anyone happen to know the effective mass of it?
Paul Ebert
So, for those who have purchased this arm, I'd be really interested in what cartridge you've found that works well with it.
Perhaps more to the point, does anyone happen to know the effective mass of it?
Paul Ebert
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