Cars R OK, but what kind of motorcycle do you have

The thread about what AudiogoNers drive is fun to see, but I was wondering what kind of motorcycles are represented by the crazy people here? I know this has been discussed a little on other threads, but If we can slip this by the censors, it might be fun.

I have a Victory V92C. It's a few years old now, but it still a fun cruiser!

What about you?

Showing 15 responses by stilljd

All I have left is my wifes YSR50 that we used as a pit bike. Old, but "Minty" though.:>)


Jim S.

That's so cool. Laguna is classic. I'm in the Midwest, and while I've been to Laguna, I didn't get to ride. We were before your time. I quit in 94.

I'm with you on rides, I liked the FZR400 the best. No, I loved that bike.

Jim S.
No honey, your butt looks perfect! Repeat after me, No you look good in/on everything/anything.

Yeh, a lot of people put FZR600 motors in the 400 chassis to race. Strangely enough, it didn't work as well as most expected.

Were talking shop, is that OK, or are we hijacking a thread?

How the heck did you end up at Brainerd? What did you think of turn 1?

Love and Respect,
Jim S.

I believe they still do Mad Sunday. You can also take a bike around the old Nurburgring (spelling?) course for a couple of dollars. No speed limit.

Big change in weather from MN to CA. AEH? (not exactely sure how to spell that upper Midwest/Canadian pronunciation.

You guys still follow bike racing? Nicky Hayden "World Champ", who would have thought?

Jim S.

Ok, I will mount my 1.6'S on my wifes YSR and meet you in Daytona the 1st weekend in March. You'll have to bring amplifaction, and someone else a player. :>)

You will represent the Classic camp, me, Tboooe, and Mfsoa the RR's. We need volunteers for Cruiser, Chopper, and all the other camps.
Pedrosa, maybe? Rossi's coming back with something to prove though. He will be hard to beat. I am a Nicky fan. I don't think he is the most talented, but he is a hard worker. Nicky's dad Earle had just started Nicky and Tommy on 125's in WERA (you only had to be 12 yrs. old on 125's or 80's) when I was racing in WERA, so I knew them a little bit. So, I still root for the Hayden's out of respect.

This thread made me think of all the bikes I got to race or ride. It is a longer list than I ever would have expected.

Nrchy, Mid-Ohio has the "Vintage Days" the week before the AMA race weekend. I have a friend that went every year and always enjoyed the variety of bikes that showed up. Close for me, but a long way for the West Coast guys.

Jim S.

Happen to know Michael Martin or Brad Sawyer? They raced CMRA about the same timeframe.

CCycle - Yeah, Roadracing is a small world. In 1990 there were about 10,000 racing licenses with all the sanctioning bodies. Figure at least half of those were duplicates (some people had 5 or 6). Maybe 5,000 or less racers total. A very small, elite, group we were :>).

I remember some of the YSR racing series's. You guys took it more seriously in the South and West. In our region, every now and then there would be a race for the 50's during lunch.

We raced the WERA endurance series 89-92, then got into AMA 92-94. Rode with Michael in 90 before he went Emgo Suzuki. Michael probably knew Roger, but I can't put a face with the name. Brad rode with us in AMA 92-93 and some earlier endurance stuff. They are both Dallas-Ft. Worth.

We got to race the bigger bikes and the National Series but, in the end, we all end up the same - BROKE! You just saved yourself the financial roller coaster.

Was a lot of fun though.

Nice system BTW. That is a serously dedicated listening room. Want to sell and sponsor a race team?
Jim S.
Hey Tom, nice to hear from you.

You have an affection for 2-strokes too? I got to prep TZ's for a couple of years in AMA and the early Formula USA series. I had never even ridden a 2-stroke before that. Simply amazing performance and straight forward technology. I have been a 2-stroke admirer ever since.

CBR900, what a great bike. Hard to keep the front wheel on the ground though.

The entire VFR series were some of the nicest handling bikes of their time.

RZ350, stock RZ's wobbling across racetracks all over the US and Canada. Those things were dangerous in stock form. Almost got killed by an RZ wobbling uncontrollably across my line out of the last turn at Savannah.

That Ducati is going to put a crimp in your music budget.

Think Nicky can repeat?

Jim S.

It took me a little while to find the time to look up what a GB500 is. I don't know a lot about singles, but it does look cool. Some of the nicest customs I've seen have been based on singles. There is something about the simplicity and functionality that strikes a resonant chord!

Hope you find one if you decide to go for it!

Jim S.
Oh my gosh, that is a reaaaally pristene piece. Funny how some things go up in price. I see why you want one.

Don't tell anybody, but I paid $800 for my wifes YSR50 as a Christmas present in 90 or 91. I have seen them for sale recently over $3M and not in as good of a condition and not all original.

Does this ever happen in Audio gear. I am aware of something of a collectors market in "antique" gear, but just good functionality that actually appreciates over time? Or is it more a matter of art?

PS. - Huntermusic - That is a pretty bold statement. I get large displacement and what it provides, but cripes, there are so many lightweight hot rods being built out of the factories?

Jim S.

A grain of truth in everything you say. I didn't mean to disrespect your ride or one up you.

"and there is not a bike made that can touch it in a top gear roll on."

I just thought that was was a pretty bold statement considering the likes of the R1's, GSXR1000's, Ducati's of all shapes and sizes, and such in the world. May the power gods smile on you!

Peace Brother. :>)

Be Safe,
Jim S.
Huntermusic, OK, BS around which bike is faster/fastest. I can live with that. I just don't want to tick off/offend someone that I don't know for no good reason.

If I don't get too busy at work I am going to research some horsepower/torque vs. weight numbers and see what we might be able to predict. There are canned programs that will do the modeling if I can find a "freeware" version.

Jim S.
Hooray for the protective gear recommendations when riding. I believe in personal choice, but grimace when I see some kid and his girl on a sportbike in shorts, tee shirts, and no helmets.

Wanted to mention that there are back protectors available. They are a little uncomfortable at first, but when you get used to it you won't even notice that you have it on. Also protects the bottom of the neck a little.

Jim S.