"Cars are Cars" by Paul Simon...are my channels reversed?

I could use some help from the Agon community. On the above track on the VINYL version of the album "Hearts and Bones", the lyric "drive on the left" comes out of my right-hand speaker and the lyric "drive on the right" comes out of my left-hand speaker. It appears I have all my connections perfect, including the cart connections. 

When I listen to this track on Spotify, the lyric "left" comes out of the left speaker and the lyric "right" comes out of the right speaker.

If you have this record, could you please listen to this track and let me know what you hear. Thanx very much.

Showing 1 response by drrsutliff

If we assume the Spotify is correct then your new amp’s core has to be assumed correct also.  If we make an initial assumption nothing is flawed this would leave the turntable and cartridge connections to again be reviewed.  Do you have any orchestral vinyl with a set left placement of the violin sectIon you could use to also double check right and left placement?  Does the turntable have hardwired cables from cartridge to the amp?  If not double check your RCA Interconnect at the turntable.  Also review right and left connection at the amp/preamp just to triple check...  if all those appear correct then the question is the cartridge connections.  Did you mount the cartridge yourself?  Some manufactures have slightly different arrangements of the pins on the back of the cartridge.  Ortofon is different between their MM and MC.  This is likely a place an error can be found and easily corrected.