Since we are talking about steel drum music, most people know it came from Trinidad, (or one of those islands) but the reason it was invented is interesting.
Slaves were not allowed to have musical instruments, but the urge to make music could not be held down. They, and the black folk after slavery was abolished, invented sticks of wood, hardened in fire, and shaped and sized so that when bounced on the road pavement, they made different musical notes. Bands were formed using these sticks, and on festival days they marched in parades. However, festivals being festivals, and rum being inexpensive, the festivities usually ended up with the sticks being pounded on heads, instead of the pavement. The authorities responded by banning the musical sticks.
A dismal silence descended on the island. But again, the urge to make music could not be stifled. By now empty 55 gal oil drums were commonplace. Some genius figured out that by heating and deforming the top of the oil drum it could be made to play a whole scale of notes. Amazing.