Cardas or Virtual Dynamics power cords? Opinions?

My system is Ayre Acoustics C5, K1, and Monoblocks. Speakers: Sophia 2s. I am considering new power cords. Which will give me the most benefit, 4 Cardas Golden Reference---or 3 Virtual Dynamics "David 2s" on preamp and amps + a Virtual Dynamics Revelation (old vers.) on CD player?

Hi, I have used both the cardas golden reference and the revelation version one. While the cardas is an excellent cable, the virtual dynamics revelation one is much, much better.
>> 01-13-07: Paul_music
>> Have tried both Cardas and Virtual Dynamics with my
>> system now. The Virtual Dynamics are much more
>> impressive, staggering by comparison! I am getting
>> Virtual Dynamics and MORE of them!!
atta boy! that was my impression of them as well! :-)
I found a Cardas Golden (not the Reference) very good on my Arcam CD player, but not a great improvement on my integrated amp. In contrast, a TG Audio HSR power cord (made by the late Bob Crump) added tremendous dynamics to the same integrated amp. This was a few years ago, on my previous kit. I have Bob's cords throughout,now.

A Cardas Golden Ref may be very nice on your CD player, but the other brand may be better for your amps.

Have tried both Cardas and Virtual Dynamics with my system now. The Virtual Dynamics are much more impressive, staggering by comparison! I am getting Virtual Dynamics and MORE of them!!
Transparent PL MM cords will blow you away...try their ultra IC's as well, nothing compares..eberything else seems a waste of time and money.
Well, I am auditioning the Cardas power cords which came today from the Cable Company. I will have about a week to play them, and then will try the power cords from Virtual Dynamics which should arrive on the 17th.

The Cardas cords already make the system sound richer, fuller, smoother, bolder with more authority. Not sure how I will feel about all this in a week, but right now I am impressed that power cords make such a difference, and I think I like the Cardas sound so far. But, from what I have read here, the Virtual Dynamics may turn out to be even more exciting. I will keep you posted as to the developments and my final choice.
I owned an Ayre K1x and V1. I tried a lot of power cords on both. For my system and my ears, I thought the Elrod EPS 2 on the K1x and the Elrod EPS 3 on the V1 was superb.

I am referring to the Elrod Standard cords. NOT the Signature. I tried both Standard and Signature and preferred the Standard by a big margin on the Ayre.

The Standard and Signature are very similar with the Signature having a slight richness as compared to the Standard.

Both are excellent cords.
Well I know Ayre likes Cardas cables, so there maybe some synergy there, I do not know. In my non-Ayre system, I prefer the Virtual Dynamics. However, I have not heard the David series. I'm only familiar with the Nite/Master/Revelation series.

Call The Cable Company ( 1-800-fat-wyre ), ask for John Pharo, then ask him to send them to you to audition. That way you can decide which you like better.