Cardas Neutral Ref IC v Cross IC Sonic traits??

I wondering what the difference is between the Cardas Neutral Ref and the Cardas Cross IC? I have the NR and know what that sounds like but what does the Cross sound like.?? Thanks,Keith
It's how the cable's are manufactured, the Reference would sound a little warmer. Check out The Cardas site explaining their construction.
au contrare.... I hear Neutral Ref as the most neutral sounding of their cables....maybe that's why they named it Neutral Ref.... In my experience with Cardas, my system doesn't like any Cardas cable at all.
The differece is whatever your ears perceive, not what another poster hears or writes.

Cables are system and listener dependent; the chance of somebody here having the same components, room, and listening preferences as you are somewhere between slim and none.