Cardas Golden Cross no longer offered by Cardas ?

I just found out that the Golden Cross IC line , as well as many others are no lnger being made or offered by Cardas. I wonder why . I have a feeling that a lot of their newer cables were not selling that well and a lot of people were buying used , which does not help Cardas sell any .
Well, i currently have a pair of ICs for sale on ebay. Maybe i Should not have done that, as i would expect their value will go way up now .
Here is a link to the cables offered. At the bottom you will find the ones they no longer make , under the Legacy Heading

Showing 2 responses by opus88

I agree with Mechans. I owned the Golden Reference interconnect and tonearm cables for quite some time, and very much found them to my musical liking. The only other cables I've enjoyed more have been the KCI Silkworm+, which I still own and can't imagine ever replacing, and the Purist Proteus Provectus tonearm cable, which I very reluctantly parted company with after going to a tonearm with its own wire running straight to my phono inputs. Despite this, I still have fond memories of the Cardas GR.
Mikey, I've owned only the KCI Silkworm Plus and have never heard the original non-Plus version. I should also say when I purchased the Plus, I had John fit them with Eichmann Copper Bullet RCAs, which I have never regretted. Before doing this however I researched and found a few articles that compared the copper to the silver Eichmanns and both to the Xhadow plugs. What influenced me most to go with the Eichmann copper was Jeff Day's 6 Moons review from March, 2007 entitled "3 RCA Connectors at the OK Corral". Once I heard the Silkworm + with them I knew I had made the best choice for my ears. They imparted the kind of warm, analog quality I desired, also besting the Cardas Golden Reference I had previously owned by providing a more realistically balanced sound. And they offered fine detail without sacrificing musicality and convincing imaging/soundstaging. Otherwise, I did a comparison in my system between Cardas' Golden Reference and Golden Cross ics, finding the Cross somewhat too warm overall for my taste. I hope I've provided some information you might benefit from.