Cardas Clear Speaker Cables?

Fellow Audio Fanatics - 

I currently use Cardas Cygnus speaker cables, which I really like. I am thinking about upgrading to Cardas Clear speaker cables. 

Can anyone share their direct experience between the two cables? What qualitative differences are there between these two Cardas cables? 

For a little more background, I alternate between two systems in my living room. A tube-based system: Conrad Johnson Classic 120 with LTA preamp and QLN Prestige Three speakers and a Gryphon 120 solid state amp with Dynaudio Heritage speakers. I didn’t set out to have two systems, but I appreciate them both. In terms of what I’m looking for with the cable upgrade, I’d like to bring a little more energy and drive to the tube-based system. 

Dac is Merason mkii and Innuos Zenith music server. Power cables are a mix of Cardas Clear and Less Loss. 

Thanks in advance! 


Showing 1 response by ghdprentice

While I have a little experience with the Cygnus, I have much more experience with Clear Reflections and Clear Beyond. The further up the chain you go, the more detailed and neutral they are. That is how they are designed. Warm to support lower level components and more neutral - detailed for higher level components. So, more energy and drive you will get with higher level Cardas. I have all Audio Research equipment and I want the most neutral interconnects and cables.,.. so I use Transparent... which is what they are.

So it is up to you how far you want to go. If a smaller step then Clear, more Clear Beyond, more than that I would switch over to Transparent.