Cardas Clear Speaker Cables?

Fellow Audio Fanatics - 

I currently use Cardas Cygnus speaker cables, which I really like. I am thinking about upgrading to Cardas Clear speaker cables. 

Can anyone share their direct experience between the two cables? What qualitative differences are there between these two Cardas cables? 

For a little more background, I alternate between two systems in my living room. A tube-based system: Conrad Johnson Classic 120 with LTA preamp and QLN Prestige Three speakers and a Gryphon 120 solid state amp with Dynaudio Heritage speakers. I didn’t set out to have two systems, but I appreciate them both. In terms of what I’m looking for with the cable upgrade, I’d like to bring a little more energy and drive to the tube-based system. 

Dac is Merason mkii and Innuos Zenith music server. Power cables are a mix of Cardas Clear and Less Loss. 

Thanks in advance! 


Showing 4 responses by bluethinker

@ghdprentice - Thank you! That makes sense. I suppose part my curiosity on upgrading speaker cables is to possibly bring a bit more drive/energy/incisiveness to my tube-based system. The Gryphon has a compelling sense of drive. I was very intentional about purchasing an amp with a relaxed presentation (the CJ classic 120), so I guess we have to be careful what we ask for. :-) 

@decooney - I think part of it is simply my comparison to the Gryphon solid state amp. : -)


The CJ/LTA combo is very, very good. I am just wondering if I could make it better. 

Cygnus cables are 2 meters. I don’t suspect I’m having any tube issues. I did hear the EL 34 tubes start to lose some umph a few months ago and recently replaced them with new Mullard EL 34 tubes. The driver tubes are Amperex NOS from Brent Jesse and seem to be holding strong. I don’t semse any degradation there. Interconnects are 1 meter Cardas Clear. 

I have the classic edition with El 34 tubes. I’d been looking for more of the classic CJ sound and was advised the SE editions were going the opposite direction. 

@decooney - Incredibly helpful. Thank you! 

I'm somewhat new to the audio equipment world. I've often read that one's taste will evolve as one tries different equipment over time. Initially, I'd set out to build a relaxed and somewhat warm sounding system. I think, to your point, the relaxed QLN speakers along with the EL34 tubes and, to top it off, a DAC that has a reputation for being non-forward, leaves the system without a sense of bite or incisiveness. Lot's of spaciousness and air. Just little in the way of attack. 

I'll definitely restock my CJ 120 with those recommended tube amps on this next go-around. Great advice. Thank you agaain! 

@joeyfed55 - I will look into those, Joey! Thank you!  

@decooney - Thanks again for the advice. I really like the CJ Classic 120 with the EL34 amp. I'd set out for a warm and relaxing sound, but now realize our tastes evolve over time. In the future, when it's time to replace those Mullard EL34 tubes, I'll give the Ray's Tubes a go. 

@marco1 - You remember my quest?! Yes, I was looking for that older CJ warmish sound! I do enjoy it, but have come to understand some of the vitality of the music can get lost when you lose too much attack and incisiveness. Perhaps I am now looking for more of the modern CJ sound now? :-) 

I'm pretty sure the Classic 120 only takes EL34 tubes, but I'll do some research to confirm. Thank you for the suggestion. 

@jayctoy - Thank you. I'd be interested in your recommendations on Audioquest cables. Are there specific models that worked well in your system? And have you used any connected to a power conditioner?

I use the Puritan 156 which has worked really well for me. I had upgraded to the Puritan Ultimate cable but found it added sibilance to my system. I've thought about experimenting with another cable to go from the wall to the Puritan 156.