I want to replace the original MAGNEPAN binding posts with the Cardas CCGR-S in my MAGGIE 1,7i.

Is there any modification needed? I do not want to intervene into original binding post plate. Does anyone have any experience with this?


OK, thanks.

I will replace the binding posts first. I am using HI-FI TUNING  SUPREME3 silver fuses. currently.

Greetings from Europe.

The Magnepan fuse holder and speaker cable terminals have ferrous parts, and replacing the stock fuse with a Supreme 3 won't cure that! Lots of guys on the Planar Speaker Asylum---hard-core Maggie owners---have bypassed the whole Magenpan hook-up arrangement, including the fuse holder, and replaced the stock speaker cable terminals with Cardas binding posts. A set of the Cardas posts may be cheaper than a pair of boutique fuses!

Yes, I read a lot bad things of the Magnepan's fuse holders, but I think I am not skilled enough to do that. Did you make such a modification so far?

Post removed 
One only need move one wire, to bypass both the fuse holder and tweeter attenuator posts. They are in a series circuit. Find the wire that connects the two. Remove the wire, at the opposite end of the fuse holder from that, and connect it to the opposite end of the attenuator posts.                                                                                                                            ie: wire -------1(fuse block)2---wire----3(attenuator posts)4----wire (remove wire from connection 1 and move it to connection 4)