Capacitors for HP filters in tube amps recommendations?

I’ll soon be installing a capacitor on each of the input jacks of two tube power amps, to create passive 1st-order high-pass filters. Cap values are 19.9uF (20uF will do) and 30.33uF (let’s say 30uF). I’ll need two of the former and four of the latter (balanced/XLR input jacks), and I don’t want to spend more on the caps than the amps cost me ;-) .

I’m all ears for nominees. I don’t need or want any flavoring, "just" neutral transparency. The amps are powering fairly transparent loudspeakers (ESL’s, and Magnetic-Planars with Ribbon tweeters), which will pretty well reveal the character of the caps. In spite of that fact, "most-bang-for-the-buck" nominees are of particular interest, not cost-no-object ones. Thanks y’all.


Showing 4 responses by rodman99999

The Dahlquist DQ-LP1 crossover used a passive HP section.      It’s manual contains a chart (and formula) that you may find of interest.                When I was using my modded version, Michael Percy was my go-to guy, for Polypropylenes, Polystyrenes, etc, that he’d match to 1%, plus: a wide variety of other nice, parts/pieces/materials.      His service and expertise were consistently excellent.      Can’t swear that he’s still in business, since it’s been years, but- his site’s still up:         Personally; I never paralleled capacitors, unless they were identical, to avoid any possible time-constant disparities.
I said, "personally".        You’re welcome to your opinion, if you have one regarding time-constants (which is to what I referred, but- you never addressed) and anyone else’s, that you value.
I just prefer not to give myself a reason to think about possible timing/phase anomalies, anywhere in my music's path.      That's been my stance, since the early Eighties.       Like everything else; opinions vary.       
Absolutely and good to hear, he's still in the game!    I always enjoyed our conversations, appreciated his ear and wisdom.