Candidates for best speakers in the $2000-5000 market

I’m asking for listeners’ experience in this bracket, buttressed by reviews and/or data; I am not a fan of "whatever sounds good to you." Ultimately, yes, that will be the case. But in getting to that point, I’m looking to benefit from the advantage of a thousand pairs of ears rather than mine alone. Those ears can include the inanimate. Thank you.

My experience has included my own Elac 403, Elac 407, and Dynaudio Special 40. Auditions have included various Sonus Faber, and Magico. All of this is in preparation for justifying the leap for an Electa Amator lll or its equivalent. But that’s for another day, another forum.

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Showing 2 responses by retrocrownfan

If current popularity is a guide, Harbeth, Mission, KLH, JBL and Wharfedale big box, low baffle step throwbacks may be worth a chat as a category of speaker within this discussion.

Because hi-fi is such an immersive technical hobby there’s not much chance of consensus but it might be fun to develop a decision grid by category of good products available between $2k snd $5k.

Reading some love here for 3-5 year old second hand, for example, as a category?

LOL, we have as many nominees as we have posts. Perhaps testimony to a good question, right?