Canare 4S11

I am taking delivery tomorrow of a 15 foot pair of Canare 4S11 cables which I will incorporate into my secondary system.  I do not expect much from them as I only paid $106.00 for the 15 foot pair with locking bananas on both ends from Ram Electronics.  I am putting these cables up against my Groneberg Quattro Reference cables that go for $25.00 a foot plus termination.  I am hoping for the best but am not expecting too much.  We shall see.  I will report on what I hear after the 200hr break in as that is what I am being told it takes to break them in.

Showing 2 responses by andy2

I am not sure why all the hypes about the Canare.  It looks just like an ordinary set of cable that you can purchase at Home Depot.  If something is too good to be true, then there's a reason for doubt.  

I may be a bit naive, but if somebody is saying a $1/per foot cable can beat a $1500 cable, that is a bit of a snake oil in itself.
With all due respect, you are a bit naive. First thing I learned when I got into the high-end audio business over 45 years ago...price sometimes makes no difference.
I guess this is the case where you're right, and a whole lot of people are wrong.