Can you smell your speakers when youre rockin out?

Lol, I know this a funny question, but whenever I'm listening at loud volumes, I can smell my speakers. It's always the same smell no matter what speakers I've had. It's not a burning smell, more like the insulation used in the boxes. Is it the air blowing through the insulation and then out the port, or cooked voicecoils? Like I said, it doesn't smell like burning electronics but I 'm not sure what it is. It kind of smells good; like new rubber in a bike shop or race gas smells to me. It's the association of good times :-)
Never smelled anything from my speakers.

I have smelled smoke from cooked electronics, but I guess that's not the same.

Could it be the smell of the wood glue or of the fiber batting (if any) inside the speaker being expelled from the speaker port by the woofers' large excursions?

"It kind of smells good; like new rubber in a bike shop or race gas smells to me. It's the association of good times :-)"

Could it be something like secondhand smoke at a rock concert? They all smell the same.
No, I can't.....maybe something crawled into your port hole and died. haha :)
No I can't. Perhaps your pushing your speakers too hard or are have a peculiar nuerological disorder? Ozone maybe?