Can you share your older Pass Labs experiences?

I had a Pass unit several years ago, and really liked the old Nakamichi SR-3a I had.  What can you share as to a good used Pass integrated or pre/power to consider?  Would be using them with a small set of Quad speakers or one of two Magnepan 1.7 or 3.7.  Thanks   

Showing 2 responses by ghdprentice

I have owned Pass amps for 40 years and very highly recommend them. I only recently moved to a tube amp. They are built like tanks, have high current designs, with excellent neutral / natural  sound.
Considering the feedback from others I’ll add some further thoughts. The XA lines are warm and natural with low power. The X lines are very powerful but less warm. Pairing is important, for the XA series with the right speaker and the X series the right preamp. It is a question of taste as to what you are looking for. An X amp can provide the power you need for electrostatics… but if you like a bit warmer presentation, then a warmer preamp than the Pass may be what you want… maybe an Audio Research, Collier Jackson, or VAC.