Can you share your older Pass Labs experiences?

I had a Pass unit several years ago, and really liked the old Nakamichi SR-3a I had.  What can you share as to a good used Pass integrated or pre/power to consider?  Would be using them with a small set of Quad speakers or one of two Magnepan 1.7 or 3.7.  Thanks   

Showing 1 response by georgehifi

Can you share your older Pass Labs experiences?

Earlier Threshold that Pass designed were the best for me, as they were Bi-Polar output stages (not mosfet) and had far better current delivery. Plus you didn’t get what some describe as the "Mosfet Mist" sound.

Here’s one of his ground breaking Threshold monoblocks
And the classic affordable favorite Threshold 400A

And then even earlier was the best sounding but low power True Class-A 40w which I later expanded to a huge 150watter and used a self contained water cooling system in it. (it was still a two man lift)
Here are some diyer’s pics that built the A40 as it is
Nelsons speakers

Cheers George