Can you run the HANA SL MC at 100 ohms?

I am tempted by the Hana low output MC  cartridge which has gotten great reviews and seems good value. However the mfr specs say the loading should be > 400 ohms. My own phono stage only allows 100 ohms for MC cartridges-as do many others. Has anyone tried the Hana at 100 ohms and were you happy with the result?  Also what difference should I expect to hear at 100 versus 400?

Showing 9 responses by brad1138

Reviving this again...

I was thinking of revisiting the other resistance settings again (Moon 310LP), so I opened the OM and I noticed this:

"Finally, it is strongly recommended that you never use the 47kΩ resistive load setting for moving coil cartridges."

Hope I didn’t hurt anything...

Should I stop using 47K with my MC Hana?


EDIT: I started with 100 and it sounds so good, more organic and natural. Not sure what I saw in 47k before, but this sounds incredible. I don't think I will be using 47k again, hopefully no lasting damage. 

Good, thanks. I can't hear above about 10-14KHz anyway... I'll try 470 again also, but 100 is sounding great. I also listen at ~60-70 dB with 95 dB efficient spks, so gain is not an issue. 

You have a noisy house... My house is about 35dB with everything turned off.

I think you might be surprised how common that is. People listening (generally) under 60 dB isn’t uncommon. I did a poll in an audiophile group once and got a lot of responses. I was surprised how many listened under about 70 dB.

I use the same RS dB meter, set for "A" weighted. "C" weighted would probably read 5-10 dB higher. I use "A" weighted because that is what is used when they refer to loudness & hearing damage. "They" say listening at over 85-90 dB (A weighted) for extended period can be harmful. I spent decades listening well over 90-100 dB and my ears have paid the price. I now do everything I can to protect them. I have also found, the better my system has gotten, the more I enjoy it at lower levels.


I have the Hana SL & ClearAudio Emotion, after reading your post (and others) I just changed resistance from 470 to 1k in my Moon 310LP. BIG difference, 1k is SO much better, 470 was as you said muddy, main vocals were not focused. SO glad I made the change. :)

Manufacture recommends >400 ohms for Hana SL, but 470 wasn’t enough for me. I should have tried both when I bought it...

Thanks, I do not own a SUT. My phono stage is a Moon 310lp with 320s PS, and it has 10, 100, 470, 1k & 47k ohm options, also 40, 54, 60 & 66 dB gain settings. 

The gain at +66 dB for either 470 or 1k was just right. 

I Googled it and see in some setups, 47k works very well for MC. I will try it, but at the moment 1k is sounding great. :) 
@lewm  OK, I finally got around to trying 47k. It brought the vocals and instruments, (everything really) much more forward and "present". More like my ProJect w/2M Blue in that aspect. It is very nice, but I will need to go back and forth to decide which way I like better. I would say 47k is more natural, but being as my Moabs are already a really forward speaker, the 1k being less forward was nice. 

I can't imagine there would be any problem running my phono pre with the top off, so it would be quicker to switch back/forth. 
The more time I spend with it at 47k the more I REALLY like it. Not feeling much need to go back to 1k.