Can you rate these amps for me?

From the worst to best:

Old 2270 marantz receiver
2105 mcintosh amp
krell kav-300 amp
B&K ST-140 amp

Showing 1 response by audioman4

I have owned all but the Marantz so I will leave that one out...
Least favorite B&K St 140... felt it was a bit flat and
bass was unrealistic

Second place Mcintosh... Had great power looked cool and was a solid performer with nice highs.

First Place Krell Kav 300 I tend to like Aragons sound and the Krell reminded me of my Aragon Palladiums..
there is something sexy about Krell and I like the powerful sound.

Associated gear...
Mirage M5si
Audio Research LS7 preamp
Rega P3 turntable
Classe CDP3
too many mods to list...

Happy listening!
Custom Audio LLC
p.s. we dont have any affiliation with the above
mentioned brands