Can you provide context on First Watt?

Hi all,

I just signed up for this forum. After 30 years of enjoying my Rotel/B&W setup that I bought in college, I decided it is time for an upgrade. Yes, I know ... 30 years. Anyway, for the last two months I've gone deep down the rabbit hole trying to get caught up with the audiophile world. 

Long story short, after all of my reading and assessing my needs, I decided on a combination of components and speakers. This week I've made two big purchases: a Wyred4Audio STP SE pre with stage 2 upgrades and a First Watt J2 amp (both purchased used). As far as I can tell, though, First Watt (Nelson Pass) doesn't seem to be making new amps, except for the F7? I just noticed that Reno HiFi is no longer in business. 

Could someone update me on the current status of First Watt? And, if down the road I ever require a service, would I contact Pass Labs for that?

Thanks for your time in orienting a 55-year old newbie to the scene.



Showing 3 responses by rocray

You won’t be sorry with First Watt. I’m a happy owner of two First Watt amps. An F5,and J2.  Nelson Pass also participates on diy Audio forums.  

@surlydale , I also don’t listen very loud. Loud for me is about 85db peaks.(Using an iPhone app). I occasionally run a pair of Graham Chartwell LS3/5 using my J2. These are not very sensitive speakers at 83db,however are a pretty easy 9ohm. The J2 has no issues driving these to the higher end of the volume I listen.  The easier the load the better. I am currently running a pair of Nola Boxer II’s, 90db sensitivity, and an 8ohm load without the J2 breaking a sweat.

        The one piece of advice I’ll give is, let this amp breath it definitely runs hot. I don’t recommend putting it in a rack.  Other than the heat,I don’t find any negatives for the J2. Like others have stated,synergy with speakers and your listening habits mean everything.  Enjoy!


@surlydale , I feel your pain waiting for a shipment.  It’s nerve wracking for sure. I agree with your assessment that your current speakers will work with the J2. Also,since you will have some time with the new amp and your current speakers, this may give you a chance to figure out what you really need to check all the boxes, speaker wise.  Hopefully your J2 shows up tomorrow! Enjoy!