"Can You Lift Yours?"

Harmon Kardon Citation II Stereo Amp, 1959, 60 wpc; 120 lbs

(for the youngsters among us: tubes, SS didn't exist yet)


"Can You Lift Yours?"

"Space Heater. Ballast for Submarines".

"Useful for Training Weight Lifters"


being medically house bound since Halloween, tv overload, hopping about, I re-discovered a site with some great history:


in section 'omnidirectional speakers


interview with Stewart Hegeman 



I had a McIntosh AMP, MC2250, 250wpc, 80lbs.

I lifted it out of a low shelf in a tight space, felt a 3rd meniscus tear in my 'bad' knee while lifting.


Your Heavy Equipment Stories Please.


Showing 1 response by prndlus

elliottbnewcombjr, thank you for the Stewart Hegeman link.

I’ve always wanted to hear his bass cabinet solution or the Shahinian-licensed version.

I picked up a speaker the wrong way, felt a jolt of electricity in my back, involuntarily screamed in pain, but refused to drop the speaker.

I managed to hobble a few steps towards the bed and at the expense of great pain on top of great pain, threw the speaker so that it landed safely on the pillow.

Couldn’t walk for a week, took a month to recover.

For a few years now I’ve been searching for a pair of IMF RSPM MkIV or the much rarer IMF SAMC at a 105 lbs per speaker.

They’ll certainly have to reside on dollies.