Can you get "bookshelf sound" from a floorstander?

Listened to B&W's 6 series and much prefered the 686 and 685 to the more expensive floorstanders. I'm a junkie for clear and coherent vocals and the floorstanders seemed to muddy the sound.
Listened to Dynaudio Focus 110s and loved them. Compared them to the Contour 5.4s and I loved the top end of them even more than the Focus' but was again bothered by what I want to call an incoherence... lack of focus... integration... with the low end.

Owned Totem Arros and Dreamcatcher monitors with Dreamcatcher sub and prefered the dreamcatcher monitors over the Arros and without the sub, too.

Am I just a bookshelf guy? Was it my choice of floorstanders? Setup? Anyone have better words to describe what I'm trying to say? I certainly love the low end and dynamic grunt of the big ones but not at such expense.
aktchi, you are absolutely right about this. however, i first responded to the string "after" a person made what are imo, incorrect assumptions based on a product that was designed 12 years ago. one that was designed with triodes in mind rather than a broader product mix. a voiced product and not what i call "a neutral concept" approach which i have followed since late 1999. what followed then were mean spirited comments and i simply defended myself and product. once you think you know everything and refuse to consider new ideas, it is really over for you and those around you.
life is all about learning.
best, b
It is my hope to respond more fully and individually in the next few days to this thread. I went ahead and posted another thread with (a lot more! ;) information about what I've heard and liked/didn't like. I think this info might help steer your recommendations a bit more.
Once again, thanks for all of your responses.
Oops! Forgot the link.
"The great speaker quest"
Post removed 
Agree with TVAD.

You've had some good speaks. Sounds like maybe they were not matched to amp well or there was some other poor synergy going on.