Can we talk about Qobuz for a minute

    I use to use Spotify until i heard Tidal, and now with my Parasound Integrated amp having a pretty nice dac onboard im bypassing my Bluesound Node2’s internal dac and it sounds great.

    Is Qobuz just like Tidal as to song selections and ease of use. I haven’t check pricing either.

    Is there a reason some really like Qobuz sound better, without it turning into a blood bath Lol, thanx guys


Showing 1 response by larsman

Haven't used Tidal yet, but just signed on to Qobuz this week - quite good selection and the sound quality is as good as my CD's. I understand that Tidal is better at recommending other music you might like than Qobuz, where you seem to need to know what you're looking for. I'll probably end up using them both with Roon....