Can Vandy's get along with cats?

I'm currently a proud owner of a pair of Vandersteen 3A sig., and am considering getting a cat. I've held off up to this point because I'm concerned that the cat would shred the socks on the Vandersteens. It's a big enough concern that I have thought about getting different speakers. I'm curious if anyone has had any experience with cats and Vandersteens sharing the same space. Has this worked for anyone in the past?

Thank you very much,

Showing 1 response by tarsando

I have three cats and a year ago moved my Vandy's into the living room where they can now get to them. I feared the worst but the most that they have done is laid down on the top of the speakers where the fabric makes a soft place to sleep. None of the cats are declawed. I did nothing to discourage them. After all the bad press I had read for cats and Vandys I was pleasantly surprised. YRMV. Good luck!