Can Vandy's get along with cats?

I'm currently a proud owner of a pair of Vandersteen 3A sig., and am considering getting a cat. I've held off up to this point because I'm concerned that the cat would shred the socks on the Vandersteens. It's a big enough concern that I have thought about getting different speakers. I'm curious if anyone has had any experience with cats and Vandersteens sharing the same space. Has this worked for anyone in the past?

Thank you very much,

Showing 1 response by dekay

There is no definitive answer.

I've had one grill cloth clawed "one time" in the past 21 years (total of 8 cats/3 still with us).

Many of our cats being feral rescues (one was both feral and bi-polar).

This said, they damaged a leather sofa (both arms ripped to shreds), one leg on an old Monterey dining table was used as a scratching post (one out of four isn't bad), various rugs, carpet, bedding (during the last stages of their lives), a few paintings (worth more than the stereo) and one sprayed the coffee maker while it was in the process of brewing (the bi-polar one:-).

All in all they have been very well behaved, IMO, when compared to all the things I've screwed up over the past 56 years.

As your speaker socks are replaceable I'd start him/her out with the Vandies.