Can tube preamps be as 'detailed' sounding as ss?

Recently I bought a minimax tubed preamp. After several weeks of listening and comparing to my Plinius Cd-Lad pre, I've decided I like some things about the minimax, but more things about the Plinius
1. minimax adds a sense of realism and increased soundstage depth a little
2. minimax added more hiss to the system
3. better bass with the Plinius
4. better details and clarity with the Plinius
5. Wider soundstage with Plinius

I really enjoyed the increase sense of realism though. Is it possible that a better tubed pre (such as Cary slp-98) would retain the clarity and details of the Plinius and add the midrange lushness? Or would a hybrid tube pre give the best of both worlds (like a Cary slp-308)?
thanks for your thoughts
rest of system, Bryston 3bst, Ayre cx-7, Audio Physics Libra
"07-13-06: Plato
The simple answer is "no."

While I agree with Zaikesman that there may be some tube preamps with better detail than the one you tried, you have hit upon the classic tradeoff between tubes and solid state."

I agree.
I'm lucky enough to own a detailed, acclaimed tube pre and also a Cary SLP-98 (F1). AND, an excellent mint SS pre fell into my lap last week. It's all about: what the rest of your system is composed of, and what YOU like to hear. I have the SS pre running with a tube amp (something I never thought I would do), and I'm really liking it.
BTW , SLP stands for Sweet Little Preamp according to it's designer. That says a lot about it's sound characteristics.
>>Clean looking and offers plenty of tubes at a incredible price<<

3 great reasons to buy.
Zaiksman, as I hear it, ss amps are a Dinosaur that is dying a very slow and most painful death. Will take decades more for the final one to be laid to rest.
Also chinese tubes amps are on their way. There is no amount of criticism that is going to stop those who know a vaule when the see one, from jumping on it.
To my eyes, the guys of any ss amp/pre are disgusting looking. Really gross. And the sound image is so un natural, so insensitive, cold, calculating.
Tubes OTOH are true beauty. The tube amps that do sound poor and ugly, I've heard a few, are uglied sounding for the ss electronics inside, poorly arrangned and/or cheap parts.
There's not any ss amy that can match even the littlest of Jadis the Orch Refer on any level.
Not even close.
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The simple answer is "no."

While I agree with Zaikesman that there may be some tube preamps with better detail than the one you tried, you have hit upon the classic tradeoff between tubes and solid state.

Now all you need to do is decide which presentation you prefer. Tubes can be smoother and more musical at the expense of being more noisy and not being as articulate and detailed at the frequency extremes. Congratulations and welcome to the real world.

I personally like having at least one tube component in my electronics chain, but that can vary with the particular recording and my mood at the time. Accordingly, I have a nice tube DAC hooked up to one preamp input, and my Rega Planet's ss analog outputs hooked up to another. YMMV., I'm not even gonna say anything...

Machman20000: You could make the argument that, since a tube preamp will always have a higher noise floor and a longer rise-time (slower slew rate) than a SS preamp, that tube pre's (or amps in general) can never really be quite as 'detailed'. Although probably technically true, how tube vs. SS actually translates into the listening experience doesn't seem as simple as this. But to answer your other question, yeah, it's quite likely that trying a better tube preamp will yield improved detail.
Check the brand of tubes being used. There are most likely better brands out there. Tube brands definitely sound different from each other.
Also ck out Xiansheng 728. Clean looking and offers plenty of tubes at a incredible price
Google up Acoustic Sounds, look at the Cayin SC6LS. Its a bit pricey on their site, shop around.
I haerd a Audio research VT100 and a Audio research pre 12. Both famous tube amps. I was not impressed at all.
Point being you have A-Z as far as sound in tube pre's.
I suggest you try a cayin pre. Can't recall the model #. that should do the trick.

You lose your forum cherry with the tube vs transistor argument and you nailed it, first time.