Can this tube 30 w A class combo drive Sonus Faber Olympica 1 speakers ?


This is my first all tube amplification and I wonder could it drive the above mentioned speakers?
Unison Research P30k and C5P

Always used Sonus Faber speakers, many different models, but with ss amps that had plenty of power, more the better.
Had been curious to try the tube path, bought this little combo, but not sure does it has enough power?
My room size is aprox 12x18x9, music is only jazz on medium sound levels.

Here are the graphs of Olympica 1

My second choice is Franco Serblin Lignea (also not sensitive, but smaller speakers, read somewhere that its impedance curve does not drop bellow 7 ohm.)

Will be thankfull for all advices.

Showing 1 response by alexatpos

Lilmsmaggie, thanks, friend of mine has APh 2, quite a big speaker but he certainly needed the biger amp than you.

Have had SF Guarneri H, which many people said were driven by smaller amps, but my experinece was quite the opposite.
Tried Pathos Inpol 2, Burmester 956mk2 but they really opened up only with Krell Evo 302.

I must admit that my best source of information were posts from Atmasphere, I found them very educative.
He said, that ’all things beeing equal’, speaker with 8ohm impedance will always sound better than one with 4 ohm, as they will bring distortion into sound, if the amp is overstreched.

So, I would like to avod that situation, if possible, because I wonder if the sound I would hear would be the ’real’ sound of that amp, or just one with lots of distortions....