Can the Rowland Concentra II be beat?????

I am trying to make the leap to a Intergrated Amp and there a number out there for the taking. Is there an amp that will out perform the Concentra II in the intergrated market?? Balance, sonics, soundstage - the Roland has it all, come one come all--Is there a condentender out there that can take this one on and win??? If so, WHO?
I've got the Magnum Dynalab MD-208 receiver in house right now and the sound quality is staggering. It is tubelike and lovely with deep bass, not sacrificing detail. I have never heard solid state this good. I don't know if it's better than the Concentra II but it could well prove to be all you need and want.
As much as I like the Concentra II--and I do--IMO if you can afford the upgrade, a Rowland power amp with a nice tube preamp will REALLY take you to the heights. I know we're talking much more $$ but such is my experience. I had Rowland Model 10 and initially mated it with Rowland Synergy II linestage and it was no good--I REALLY disliked the Synergy II sound. But when I put any of several good tube pres with the Model 10, oh my...that's the ticket. CAT Ultimate and Rowland amp is particularly ooh-la-la...
I have auditioned the Concentra II with Vienna Mahlers, and the sonics were very good. I have a email friend in Aspen who has the Musical Fidelity M3 Super Intergrated amp that is the best he has heard in a long time. M3??? - any objective listeners out there with comments on the M3??
I'm using a Rowland Model 2 with an Adcom GFP 750 pre amp.
The combination sounds very very good to me. The balanced XLO interconnect is another $400.00 though...
Do you have a YBA dealer near you? YBA is coming out with a Passion integrated soon for around $4500.00, to me YBA is very similar to the Rowland sound. My dealer is selling his personal YBA separates & has the Passion on order. YBA looks great in black!
