Can the Lexicon MC-12 be upgraded in this way?

Okay, if Shawn Fogg is out there, you are the man. If you're aware of the upgrades that he's made for Lexicon DC-1/2 and MC-1's, then you'll know where I'm going with this. So here goes....

I love my Lexicon MC-12, and there isn't much reason for me to upgrade to the MC-12HD except for the ability to decode BluRay/HDDVD audio. Now I could get a player with an internal decoder, but it seems to me the entire purpose of spending 'Lex' type money is to get the 'Lex' processing/bass mngt. and so on, so this is a short term option for me. So would it be possible to upgrade the original MC-12 to take an HDMI audio signal? I would think that this would require WAY too much change to the internal workings, but I figured I'd ask.