Can the AVM 6.2 or Pass INT-60 replace my LM845P?

Hi, I would like to have a more simple system. One I can play all day without thinking about expensive tubes (:

I have the LM 845 Premium, a VERY good amplifier.

But I would like to have a more down to earth amp.

I have investigated integrated SS amps and have found the AVM 6.2ME and the Pass INT-60.

Unfortunately I will not be able to listen to any of them before buying, so I ask the brain trust for advice.

Will I be a sad man if I sell my tube amp and replace it with one of the suggested amps?


Showing 1 response by grannyring

I have a suggestion for you to look into as a potential new option. The integrated amplifier is made by a company called Circle Labs. The A200. It is a hybrid integrated amplifier with a tube preamplifier linked to a class A single ended, solid state output.

This unit is all about tone. Very open and beautiful sounding. Gobs of detail presented in a very life like and natural manner.

Colin of Gestalt Audio Design in Nashville is the dealer/importer. Very special unit. Only two small signal tubes in the preamp circuit that are not costly and last 10,000 hours.

Innovative circuit design with short signal paths, minimal number of parts and a robust power supply.

It delivers the kind of sound you may prefer based on your post. Great for low level listening as the music’s sonic nuances still come through.