Can streamed Music sound better on a Sunday?

I’m new to the audio world. I had an accident about 2 1/2 years ago that left me a highly functioning quadriplegic. I used to mountain bike five days a week, that’s how I had the accident. I loved it I wouldn’t change anything. So I was looking into other things that interested me. Back in the 1980s I was into audio and then I took a 30 year hiatus and here I am. It’s a whole New World. So my question is can audio that I stream on a Sunday sound better than the same music during the week? Is it possible that you get less bandwidth when things are busy during the week versus when there’s less traffic on a Sunday? Call me crazy but It’s Sunday afternoon and my system sounds wonderful.
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Showing 1 response by tomcy6

In my experience, sound quality can vary from day to day.  It may be the amount of noise in your electricity, the noise level in your home, your frame of mind on a given day, or many other factors.

Whatever does it, enjoy!