Can Manley's Stingray power VonSchweikert vr4 jrs?

Looking into upgrade options...4 bills large american per component. I have tentatively settled on the Von S. vr4 jrs, but I am undecided on amplification. I use a TT, and am drawn to tubes out of curiosity. I hope to get a EAR 834 blackbox phono preamp. If I don't do the EAR/Stingray tube combo, I would almost definately go with a McIntosh solid state integrated (includes phono stage). What should I do?

Showing 1 response by kck

Assuming you continue to desire speakers that are or are similar to the load of the VR4:

1) Buy the Stingray used. Those 40w are pretty good. They drove my one-time Ushers to massive SPLs at about 1/2 volume.
2) If the above is not strong enough but you like the Manley sound:
a) upgrade to the separates which give you double the power:
Shrimp pre and Snapper monos, 100 w of EL34 power. Retail about $6K, should be within your budget used., or
b) My choice, which would be wait around (while owning Stingray) for the new Mantaray integrated to appear, slated for mid-2007. Remote, iPod input, 100 w of EL34s, all in one chassis for about $4K.

As a one-time very satisfied user of the Stingray, and from reading testimonials of their other gear, hard to go wrong with Manley. I switched due to changing to very efficient speakers.