Can it get better?

Seeking the advice of folks who have experienced significant gains when moving from an integrated amp to separate pre and power. I realize there are several threads on the topic but specifically, I’d be concerned about a lateral move in terms of sound quality while dishing out close to 2x what I purchased my integrated for. For example, my system consists of a Pass Labs Int-25 driving Harbeth Shl5+ 40th anniversaries. It’s a combination that gives coherent and smooth sound yet is quite resolving. 
Why change? For one, I would like to experiment with different power for the Harbeths and am intrigued by some of the class d options out there. The Pass was about 5k and some of the pre and power combinations I’m considering would push the cost north of 10k. There are a number of well designed preamps out there in the 5k range that I could see serving me for many years. Assuming good synergy with the power amp, is there good reason to believe that separates would sound significantly better than the little Pass which has system synergy built in? In what way? Or would I have to venture into a higher tier in terms of cost?

thanks for the advice



Showing 2 responses by hilde45

@voodoochillin You clearly know what you're doing with that setup.

I have an XA 25 and it underpowers my Salk 87db speakers. I know that more power would make them sing, because I had an AVA SET 400 hooked up to them and they kicked more but (but were harsher).

In my humble opinion, I think the question is about power/current quantity, not the integrated vs. separates question, unless that is also separates-with-more-power. If you had a Pass integrated with much more power, I cannot imagine you'd not notice a lot of the change you'd get with separates with more power. My guess.

@voodoochillin Good comments, here. One thing I know about separates is that choices of additional interconnects, power cables. adds even more complexity/fun/headache to the mix. Something else to consider. If you got a hybrid integrated, you could roll tubes and then perhaps experiment with various speaker cables and interconnects from the DAC. That would give you a fair amount of creative space. Just thinking out loud, here as I would talk to myself about it. Hope it contributes.