Can I use the same cartridge for 78rpm?

I've been offered for a nice and mint collection of 78rpm's.
I can get 78 pooley for my motor but should I change a cartridge?
Kevin sells several TTs capable of playing 78s. One model can even play 16 inch records.

His top of the line model, however, is the modded 1200. About $900.
Oh, I see!! I agree 100%. I thought you guys just wanted to play them on something decent that would not damage them.
Sugarbrie, we're talking transcription possibilities here...

Dual just doesn't cut it. Need something better. That's why I refer people to Kevin Barrett. He's heavy into vintage recordings transcribing and designed the most complete high end transcription phono preamp on the market. Pretty neat device and will EQ any recording ever made for less that one thousand dollars.

Check out Kevin's website. All analog related stuff--a must see. Hey, you might end up with a modded 1200 after all!
There are always lots of decent used Dual turntables on eBay that play 78s (not all models) for not much $$$.
Again, you purchased the wrong turntable...

Talk to Kevin of KAB electroacoustics ( and he'll set you up. Tell him I refered you. He's a specialist in vintage recordings and playback equipment. Be warned though, he's another 1200 evangelist and might sell you a modded Technics 1200 ready to play 78's!

By the way, the tonearm fluid damper he designed works wonders...simply world class performance!
You should get a 78 RPM stylus. If they make a 78 RPM stylus for your present cartridge that will do the trick. Or just get an Ortofon OM-3E cartridge for $40 and another $40 for the 78 stylus.
Marakanetz, purchase 78 RPM cart and stylus from Shure or Stanton. Shure has dedicated model, but I use the Shure M-44E with N-44-3(green) 78 needle and found it to be the best(no longer in production). Use an old Dual turntable (the older 1000 or 1200 IDLER series only. Modify the base with some Dynamat and you will hear them at their best. Never quite liked the sound with a belt drive on 78s much.......Frank